Home ยป “Protein Arginine Methyltransferases’ Roles in Regulating Host’s Antiviral Immune Response and Novel Therapeutic Strategies Against Viral Infections” (all lowercase) or simply “Exploring PRMTs’ Role in Antiviral Immunity and Therapeutic Strategies” (using title case) could be suitable titles for the text.

“Protein Arginine Methyltransferases’ Roles in Regulating Host’s Antiviral Immune Response and Novel Therapeutic Strategies Against Viral Infections” (all lowercase) or simply “Exploring PRMTs’ Role in Antiviral Immunity and Therapeutic Strategies” (using title case) could be suitable titles for the text.

by satcit


Protein arginine methyltransferases have emerging roles in regulating the host’s antiviral immune response, offering potential for novel therapeutic strategies against viral infections.

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