Home » A meditation routine

A meditation routine

by satcit

Step 1: Sit in Vajrasana.

Step 2: Do Shanmukhi mudra and Khecarī mudra together and while you are doing that, focus on your Ajna chakra.

Step 3: Do pranayama for a few minutes.

Step 4: Start meditating on Muladhara chakra. After the Muladhara chakra, meditate on the Svadhisthana chakra, followed by the Manipura chakra, Anahata chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, Ajna chakra, and finally, the Sahasrara chakra.

Step 5: After finishing your meditation on all seven chakras, do Maha bandha (Which is Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha done together)

Step 6: While you are doing Mahabandha, visualise your Prana Vayu going downwards through the spine and Apana Vayu going up from the base of the spine. Visualise these two vayus mixing with each other.

Step 7: Visualise this powerful mixture of Prana and Apana vayus, which is blowing like the bellows of a blacksmith, awakening the sleeping Kundalini Devi in the Muladhara chakra.

Step 8: Visualize the awakened Devi Kundalini ascending through the spine, piercing all the chakras. As she pierces each chakra, the Devas, Devis, and everything within that chakra dissolve into her.

Step 9: Visualize Devi Kundalini reaching the Sahasrara chakra and dissolving into the all-pervasive superconsciousness

Step 10: At this point, you should feel some changes in your body. These could be anything like muscles getting tense, sweating on the back of your trunk (in the region of the spine), and experiencing strange feelings, which could differ from person to person.

Step 11: After this, visualize Devi Kundalini descending through the spine and ultimately returning to her resting position in the Muladhara chakra. As she descends through each chakra, whatever dissolved into her during her ascent returns to the corresponding chakra.

Step 12: After this, lie down, relax your body and do viparita karani kriya.

Step 13: After that, lie down in savasana and relax. Imagine your limbs are getting heavy and you cannot lift them, even when you try.

Step 14: Imagine the place where you felt the most relaxed and peaceful in your entire life. Now imagine that you are there now.

Step 15: Now, observe your breathing. Do not try to control it, just observe it. Do this for a few minutes.

Step 16: Rotation of Consciousness – Concentrate on the tip of your left little finger, then the tip of your left ring finger, the tip of your left middle finger, the tip of your left index finger, and the tip of your left thumb.

Step 17: Similarly, rotate your concentration to the toes of your left foot, then move to the right foot and the fingers of your right hand. Continue this process by focusing on different points on various joints in your body. The basic idea is to rotate your concentration among different points in the body

Step 18: Now, imagine dividing your concentration into two parts. One part should focus on your entire body, while the other should concentrate on your Anahata chakra. This should happen simultaneously.

Step 19: At some point, you will find that your body is going into sleep, but your mind is still awake. Remain in that state for a few minutes. You may even hear yourself snoring in this state.

Step 20: After completing your meditation, you can slowly rise. It is recommended to take a shower following this. Your meditation session is now complete.

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