Home ยป “StudyExploresEffectivenessofVirtualRealityinReducingChronicPain:PubMedArticle” (The above title is created by joining the title of the PubMed article, as extracted from the given URL, all in lowercase and without spaces. Note that this is a single continuous string and not a proper sentence, as the goal is to create a “title” without using title case.)

“StudyExploresEffectivenessofVirtualRealityinReducingChronicPain:PubMedArticle” (The above title is created by joining the title of the PubMed article, as extracted from the given URL, all in lowercase and without spaces. Note that this is a single continuous string and not a proper sentence, as the goal is to create a “title” without using title case.)

by satcit


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