Home ยป “Human Behavior in Joint-Attention Naming Game Aligns with Metropolis-Hastings Theory, Indicating Symbol Emergence through Decentralized Bayesian Inference Interaction” or shorter: “Joint-Attention Naming Game Behavior Follows Metropolis-Hastings Theory, Implying Decentralized Bayesian Inference in Symbol Emergence”

“Human Behavior in Joint-Attention Naming Game Aligns with Metropolis-Hastings Theory, Indicating Symbol Emergence through Decentralized Bayesian Inference Interaction” or shorter: “Joint-Attention Naming Game Behavior Follows Metropolis-Hastings Theory, Implying Decentralized Bayesian Inference in Symbol Emergence”

by satcit


This study finds that human behavior in a joint-attention naming game aligns with the Metropolis-Hastings naming game theory, suggesting that symbols emerge through decentralized Bayesian inference during interaction.

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